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How to Get Premium Shipping on Aliexpress

Do you want to expedite your shipping to make it possible for your customers to receive their orders a lot faster? Aliexpress premium shipping is the way to go!

If you’ve been dropshipping using Aliexpress for a while now, you will agree that it takes almost forever to ship products to your customers. No jokes!

More often than not, customers might have to wait more than a month to receive their orders. In extreme cases, it can take as long as 3 months. 

And you know, lengthy shipping time is definitely not good for your business. If not managed properly, you might lose a lot of customers, and your sales can dip. These are unpleasant outcomes you will want to avoid by all means. 

What to do? Use Aliexpress premium shipping. 

Put simply, Aliexpress premium shipping is a fast shipping option you can leverage to deliver orders faster to your customers. 

In this post, you will learn how it works and how to make the most of it. 

But first, you need to understand where Aliexpress ships products from. 

Where Does Aliexpress Ship Products From?

As you already know, Aliexpress has its base operation in China. Expectedly, most of the products listed on the website are from Chinese suppliers. 

However, this doesn’t mean that Aliexpress only ships from China; the eCommerce giant also ships from other countries, such as Spain, the US, Brazil, and many more. 

As proof, on Aliexpress, you can filter products based on their dispatch location by clicking the “ship from” dropdown box. 

When you do, you will find a list of other countries Aliexpress ships from. 

So if you are hoping to deliver orders to your customers in the shortest possible time, you’d have to ship from a country that is nearest to them. The problem, though, is that you might not always get the best deals by using that approach. 

Does Long Shipping Times Prevent Customers From Buying?

The long and short answer to that question is no!

As much as shoppers don’t like to wait for long to receive their orders, long shipping times will not discourage them from buying from your store. Not like it wouldn’t, but it only will to a limited degree. 

The reason is that, more often than not, shoppers know that free shipping takes a long while. So they are willing to wait for long just to get their orders delivered for free. 

You could even offer them incentives, such as discounts and coupons, to encourage them to wait a little more.

Only ensure that your shipping times are conspicuously displayed on your website so that prospective buyers know how long they would have to wait to receive their orders. Also, ensure that potential Aliexpress shipping delays are clearly communicated on your website. 

Then, for those who can’t wait long, suggest they pay for Aliexpress premium shipping to get their orders faster. But ensure they know exactly what it costs and how long they would have to wait. 

Aliexpress Standard Shipping

What is Aliexpress Standard Shipping, and how does it work?

As the name suggests, Aliexpress Standard Shipping is the default shipping method sellers on the platform use to ship orders to customers. Usually, this shipping method is free, though this depends on several factors, including order destination, volume/size of the order, the seller, and many more. 

In cases when free shipping isn’t available, you will be charged a small shipping fee. 

One major drawback with standard shipping is it takes a long time. Typically, it can take 15 to 50 days to deliver an order via Standard Shipping. 

Be it as it may, other than the lengthy delivery time, Aliexpress Standard Shipping isn’t that bad. At least it usually comes with a tracking number. 

Aliexpress Standard Shipping vs. Aliexpress Premium Shipping 

What exactly is Aliexpress Premium shipping, and how does it differ from Standard Shipping? 

As the name implies, Aliexpress Premium is a faster delivery method operated by Aliexpress itself. On Premium shipping, you can ship products to your customers in 7 to 14 days, regardless of their country of location. This is unlike Standard shipping, which takes more than a month. 

But besides shipping times, how else does Aliexpress Standard Shipping differ from Aliexpress Premium Shipping? Let’s find out. 

Standard vs. Premium Shipping: Cost

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Premium shipping on Aliexpress costs more than Standard shipping. Plus, Premium shipping is hardly ever free as compared to Standard shipping. 

Case in point: You can ship a piece of women’s jacket to the US for free via Standard shipping. Whereas shipping the same jacket via Premium shipping will cost you as much as $29.14.

Standard vs Premium Shipping: Availability 

Premium shipping isn’t always available on all orders, unlike Standard shipping. The reason is that not all sellers on Aliexress support premium shipping. So you might not always get it. 

The worst part is that there is no way to filter out sellers offering premium shipping on Aliexpress. 

5 Methods to Get Faster Shipping with Aliexpress

Aside from Aliexpress Premium shipping, are there other methods you can use to ship orders faster to your customers? Yes, definitely!

Here are the five popular methods you can use

1. Find Local Suppliers

If you are selling to customers based in, for example, the US, sourcing products from suppliers in faraway China won’t make much sense. Not only will it take more time to ship their orders, but it will also cost way more. 

As such, you are better off finding local suppliers in the US. 

And what better tool to use for this purpose than the Sell the Trend’s Local Shipping tool? 

With our innovative Local Shipping tool, you can find product suppliers in any country of your choice, right from your dashboard. 

The best part is that you can also find suppliers in your target country that offer faster shipping options using Sell the Trend. 

Don’t have an account yet? 

Sign up for a free trial. 

2. Filter VIP Listing 

If Aliexpress premium shipping isn’t hitting the spot for you, another thing you can do to get faster shipping is to filter VIP listing on Aliexpress. 

VIP listings, simply, are product listings that are given the highest priority on AliexprThese products are often sold to dropshippers looking to ship products faster to their customers, so they enjoy shorter delivery times. 

3. Test Different Suppliers Selling the Same Product

Sometimes, the best way to find the right supplier with the best shipping time is by testing different suppliers to see who ships faster. For optimal results, it’s best you test suppliers in the same niche and sell the same products. 

One easy way to do that is by using Sell the Trend’s Supplier finder tool. Our innovative tool allows you to filter out suppliers/stores on Aliexpress that are in the same niche. For example, you can use it to find suppliers in the Apparel and Accessories niche. 

When you’ve found the right suppliers, do a test order to see who delivers faster. If possible, do a series of test orders until you eventually figure out the right supplier to work with. 

4. Go For Premium Shipping 

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again: going for premium shipping on Aliexpress is one of the surefire ways to deliver orders faster to your customers. 

Products delivered via Aliexpress Premium Shipping reach their owners in about 7 to 14 days – it could even be less. 

The best part is that Aliexpress Premium shipping doesn’t cost much. 

5. Contact Suppliers to get an estimated shipping time

If none of the methods we’ve shared so far hits the spot for you, one last thing you can do is to contact prospective suppliers to get an estimated shipping time. Most will happily give you such information. 

When contacting a supplier, try to find out if you can get expedited shipping and what it will cost. 

To contact a supplier, follow the steps illustrated in the GIF below:

Most sellers on the platform respond promptly. 

Aliexpress Shipping Methods

Before we wrap things up, we believe it is important that you know all the shipping methods Aliexpress has to offer. They are as follows:

Aliexpress Premium Shipping 

You surely know about Aliexpress Premium shipping by now, don’t you? Well, in case you missed it, Aliexpress premium shipping is one of the fastest yet most affordable shipping methods available on Aliexpress. 

Delivery time is between 7 and 14 days, regardless of the country you are shipping to. 


ePacket is another fast shipping delivery option you can try. It’s your best choice if you want to ship light, low-cost items to customers at a cheap rate. One of the major upsides of ePacket shipping is that it comes with a tracking number, allowing your customers to track their packages easily. 

DHL, UPS, and FedEx

If you want to deliver products to customers a lot faster and don’t mind the cost, DHL, UPS, or FedEx is the way to go. Compared to Aliexpress Standard Shipping which takes over a month, shipping via any of these courier services can take three days or less; just that they will cost you a lot more. 

China Post Air Parcel 

China Post Air Parcel is another excellent option for quickly shipping lightweight products to customers. It’s also cheap. 


There are several other shipping options available on Aliexpress. The best way to know them is by checking with your suppliers to know which they use. 


Shipping time is pivotal to the success of your dropshipping store. Get it right, and you will have a drove of ravenous customers coming to buy from your store. But if you miss it, the consequences can be dire. 

Are you ready to try out Sell the Trend to see how it can help improve your shipping times? Sign up for an account right away.