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Spotlight: Member Success Story

My name is Nelson Mike Muriuki, born and raised in Kenya, lived in Germany for a decade before migrating to the USA 5 years ago. I am an Artist and Entrepreneur.   But I am here to narrate my e-commerce journey, giving you a brief insight of my up & downs, how I discovered Sell The Trend and how this platform has been a blessing to my store www.cryptofashionhouse.com.

I started Dropshipping back in 2017. I stumbled upon SHOPIFY on Facebook and the funniest thing is, at the end reading that article, I started designing my store on my phone. I have been into Fashion since I was an inch high, was investing a lot of money on inventory and shipping, had opened a store in Atlanta, but the numbers were just not coming together in a profitable way. It’s a lot of stress running physical inventory. Discovering Dropshipping was my Eureka moment.

Fact is, since then I have never looked back. I’ve been committed to my e-commerce stores and most importantly, investing my time in learning. They say the best form of education is self-education and I am walking proof of that. Earlier this year I came across Sell The Trend, again it popped up as an AD on Facebook. There are a gazillion ADS running on Facebook, all promising how good they are and how they will transform your e-commerce conversions etc, but when I scrolled down the comments for this particular Sell The Trend AD, something stood out. I realized that they answered every single question that folks posted on that thread. I value “Good Customer Service” and that one right there was a selling point. I immediately opened up their site and I literally screamed out loud “Hallelujah”. I am a bit of a Digital Marketer and I value DATA more than money. Sell The Trend analytics on every product is something everyone using this platform MUST value. These guys have really put in the work. I especially love their product selection, their “Success Academy” which is FREE and the video creator tool.

Soon after signing up, it didn’t take a week and I generated the first sale. “This works”, I said. “It works!!”. I took a screenshot and gave my Testimony on their Facebook page, but then the 2nd and the 3rd sale came in and it was a vindication that I had made the right decision and my little monthly subscription investment was worth every penny. Since I am data-driven, Sell The Trend is my hub. I spend hours and hours researching on products, but the Data they provide on their platform makes the research process easier. Look, the numbers are right there, all you need to do is pick and choose! Remember the no.1 rule in this e-commerce game is “Commitment”. You must be committed and I can’t stress that enough.

The biggest impact that Sell The Trend is having on me right now are through my exploding sales.  The bright side to our current times is that this is the revolutionary era for e-commerce stores. My advice to you is “Do not procrastinate!” Take a leap of faith, start your online business now, and put in the work. Sell The Trend has the perfect tools and products to elevate your business to the next level. Exercise PATIENCE, and in due time you will start reaping the fruits of your labor.

I hope this article will inspire and motivate you. If you have any special questions, feel free to pen me an e-mail at [email protected] or visit my online store www.cryptofashionhouse.com or Download my Android Shopping App at https://bit.ly/cfh-app for some inspiration and store ideas.

Thank you Sell The Trend, I truly appreciate you! God bless


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